Windermere Professional Partners

WPP Agent Kelli Jo Hjalseth Talks Tacoma Urban Farms

testing July 7, 2011
Last updated July 2, 2019

Windermere Professional Partners Realtor Kelli Jo Hjalseth has always loved growing flowers. A self described “urban dweller” she is especially passionate about historic homes in the city of Tacoma. When she noticed more and more of her clients and friends growing vegetable gardens in their yards she decided to give it a try- and to take the rest of us along for the ride!

“When the idea for the garden hatched I mentioned it to a lot of people. Some thought it would be a huge undertaking. Some others were thinking about trying it themselves but were intimidated,” Says Kelli. “Everyone kept telling me to keep them posted on how it turned out. I thought why not do the videos and be sort of guinea pig/poster child for those who were afraid to give it shot… I also secretly wanted to be Jean Enerson when I was in college!”

With that, Kelli began work on her urban garden and filmed her first video:

The reaction to her first video surprised Kelli. “The fun feedback has been surprising and several people have told me that they are going to build their own raised beds next year.” She says. ” The videos have also enabled me to get really useful tips from those hard core gardeners out there who have found me on YouTube. It’s quite a huge community.”

To view the rest of Kelli Jo Hjalseth’s urban gardening videos visit her YouTube Channel here.