Windermere Professional Partners

Windermere Foundation Contributes to Sam Smith “Hi Neighbor” Homeownership Fund in 2022

January 14, 2022

Since its beginnings in 1989, the Windermere Foundation has raised $43 million to help the many communities that our REALTORS® work in. Many of our own Windermere Professional Partners real estate agents make a commitment to donate a portion of every transaction to the Windermere Foundation in addition to donating to other local organizations, and we’re excited for the positive impact that we can have in 2022!

This year, HomeSight is partnering with major organizations including Windermere Real Estate, U.S. Bank, and the National Association of Real Estate Brokers to increase homeownership rates among Black Americans in Washington state. To do this, HomeSight has set up the Sam Smith “Hi Neighbor” Homeownership Fund, and we are proud that it will be supported in part by the Windermere Foundation.

What is the Sam Smith “Hi Neighbor” Homeownership Fund?

This fund supports a loan product that is designed to “increase purchasing power and help bridge the affordability gap facing Black/African American home buyers earning between 80% and 120% area median income in Washington state,” according to the HomeSight website. This loan provides up to $12,000 that eligible borrowers can add to a mortgage loan that can be used towards a home’s purchase cost.

Click here to learn more about the Sam Smith “Hi Neighbor” Homeownership Fund!

Who is Sam Smith?

Sam Smith is known for being a Washington State Legislator (elected in 1958), the first Black person elected to the Seattle City Council, and the President of the Seattle City Council. In 1967, he passed the anti-discrimination Open Housing Law.

You can learn more about HomeSight and the Sam Smith “Hi Neighbor” Homeownership Fund here.